The Aaron Ardoin Foundation Supporting Sickle Cell Research & Education
stands as a vehicle of hope for the courageous children, adults
and families that suffer with sickle cell disease.
Increase Awareness
about the prevalence of Sickle Cell Anemia in numerous ethnic populations, its various forms, the options for treatment, the status of research, and the enormous resources needed to address this genetic condition.
Enhance Treatment
of this chronic illness and its many debilitating, even fatal, complications.
Promote Prevention
by encouraging all high risk populations to know their sickle cell status,
educating caregivers, social service agencies, and communities about the
genetic nature of the disease, as well as supporting genetic counseling
when there is the presence of the sickle cell trait or disease.
Advance the Cure
by providing vital resources to support medical research efforts
to cure sickle cell disease.
Copyright © 2021 The Aaron Ardoin Foundation Supporting Sickle Cell Research and Education - All Rights Reserved.